Taking control of your career starts with you.

At various points in our career, we become aware that something needs to change, be it us, our role, our organisation or our industry. Once we are clear on where we want to go, then we can create a plan for how to get there.

Sam works with Leaders who are ready to do something different, whether that’s transitioning to the corporate sector, or up levelling their current abilities in self-awareness, other-awareness and context-awareness. Sam helps you to identify where you want to go, and how to get there.




How you can learn to thrive in the face of ambiguity

We know that the world, and our experiences of work, have been changing rapidly for some time now.  What may be less obvious is how ill-equipped most human beings are to tolerate uncertainty, and the impact it has on them.  When asked to work in contexts which do contain ambiguity (such as organisations going through organisational change) then, over time, we will typically see a decrease in productivity, employees struggling to perform their roles well, overwhelm, and burnout.

Developing tolerance of ambiguity skills helps build the resilience, flexibility, and mental agility required to handle constant change effectively.

Embrace the Unknown is a program designed to help you understand your unique approach toward responding to and navigating through ambiguity. The program commences with the I Am® Self-Assessment and results debrief, which can help you understand your natural response to ambiguity. You will also learn the the skills based formula to building your tolerance for uncertainty. 

Optional add-ons to this program can include:

  1. 1:1 coaching sessions;
  2. Regular videos on how to continually develop skills in ambiguity tolerance;
  3. An I Am® Self-Assessment retake to see how your tolerance for ambiguity has grown.


Participants will gain:

  • An understanding of your own ambiguity tolerance across 9 different factors and 3 different dimensions;
  • An understanding of your strengths and weaknesses;
  • Support and coaching through specific situations and decisions.


Embrace the Unknown is perfect for Individuals wanting to improve their performance and experience of work, through increasing their tolerance of ambiguity.


How to confidently move from the public sector into a corporate role

Are you a highly competent leader who has been working in the public sector?

Are you feeling stuck because you have difficulty translating your skillset into corporate speak? Do you lack confidence and clarity on how corporate organisations work, what roles you would actually be suited for, and how to present yourself effectively for those roles?

If you don’t know where to start and find yourself procrastinating, the Transitioning to Corporate mentoring program could be just what you’re looking for. 

Transitioning to Corporate is a 3 month mentoring program (comprising 4 x 90 minute mentoring sessions, and 4 x 15 minute virtual mentoring sessions) which will help you to confidently start your move into the corporate sector.


Participants will gain:

  • The ability to clearly articulate their skills and experience in a way that is understood and valued by corporate organisations;
  • A comprehensive understanding of how corporate organisations generally work; and
  • An action plan for gaining employment within the corporate sector in a suitable role/organisation


Individuals in senior leadership and executive roles, leading teams of around 20 people, who are transitioning from the public sector to corporate.


Samantha is unafraid to tackle big issues and has a talent for ‘cutting through the noise’ creating a structured ways forward for even large or complex issues. Sam also builds strong interpersonal relationships. This provides her with credibility and allows her to guide the people around her through new ways of doing things, or challenging times and periods of large or rapid change.”

Naomi Feast, CRO, Medical Indemnity Protection Society

“The storyboarding sessions Sam delivers for us are unique, powerful and impactful. This is a skill set that every business leader should be exposed to.”

Dr Nicole Hartley, Director MBA and Executive Education, UQ Business School

“We recently had the pleasure of working with Samantha for a Board Strategic Planning Workshop, and I cannot emphasize enough how highly I recommend her. Samantha skillfully guided our Board through a series of activities that served as crucial steps towards making difficult decisions. Her expertise equipped us with the necessary tools not only for that day but also for our future endeavors.”

Paje Battilana, Brisbane Arts Theatre

Sam is a very engaging speaker who is able to deliver content that is balanced to suit the audience and aligns with what we wanted to achieve with our conference extremely well.”

Darren Schwedes, Lumus Imaging

Samantha has a knack of breaking complex down into components and transferring ambiguity into clarity.”

Tony Schreiber, GM Orrcon Steel


Ready to level up?